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Technical Electronic Contractors, Inc. Blog

  • Soredex Cranex D-2

    4 Steps to Panoramic X-ray Repairs

    Panoramic X-ray Machines | |

    If you run a dental practice, you know that a Panoramic X-Ray can be a significant source of both knowledge and income. Keeping your equipment functioning properly can make or break a practice. Broken equipment leads to longer wait times

  • Instrumentarium OP-200D

    Why You Should Upgrade to Digital Panoramic X-Rays

    Panoramic X-ray Machines | |

    If your practice still relies on film X-rays, it’s time for you to upgrade to digital panoramic X-rays instead! However, a new digital panoramic X-ray can cost a pretty penny and can be one of the biggest cons to converting.

  • OP100 3

    Getting High-Quality Intraoral Imaging Parts for Your Practice 

    Parts & Equipment | |

    Intraoral digital imaging requires an X-ray unit, sensors to capture the images, computer hardware and software to view, store, and transfer images, and if an indirect digital system, a scanning device. If any of these parts don’t work, there can

  • Repair or Replacement of Your Instrumentarium Machines

    Instrumentarium | |

    Are you in need of Instrumentarium support? Don’t just buy or new one or go to the manufacturer for help! Call Technical Electronic Contractors at 612-963-8337 right away! Your panoramic machines are designed, built and tested to last. However, sometimes

  • Instrumentarium dental X-ray parts

    Proper Dental X-ray Maintenance & Parts

    Parts & Equipment | |

    When it comes to your dental office, there’s more to providing great care than having high-quality dental equipment. It is also important to take the time to care for and maintain your equipment. By remaining proactive about dental X-ray machine